Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacations contd part deux

Have you ever noticed that you are either extremely exhausted when you're almost to your destination orrrr the exact opposite you all hyper and excited?  I was so tired and thinking please just get there just get there I need a shower and rest and sleep.  The once we got across the border we were singing and groovin to tunes all hyper n stuff.  Amazing what a small happy thought can accomplish.  Mine was, the sweet smell of hay and prairie grasses, ah it's good to be home.  Our excitement definitely rubbed off on our sweet baby girl she started singing and dancing in her car seat and constantly saying what's that?  We kept saying you are almost at Grandma's house yay!  She would just laugh.

We barely made it into the driveway and had Grandma and Grandpa excitedly greeting us.  Lots of hugs and kisses and how are yous.  It was great!  First time I've been home in four years.  Toddler girl though wasn't too sure about all this.  When we said Grandma she was thinking the one she usually sees once a month so she had this funny look of confusion and maybe even a tad bit of a grumpy in there lol.  We made it in the house everyone to their rooms with luggage in tow.  We decided that since our baby girl had done so well with camping we would set up her air mattress and sleeping bag for the duration of our stay.  She did very well and loved it.  Was a great adventure to her.

We enjoyed some barbecue and salads.  Then like a waaalllll it hit us.  Holy crap am I tired!  I enjoyed the conversation and delighted in my children's smiles.  Then I delighted in a get the filth off me from the last campground with a nice hot clean shower.  Another wall hits me.  Wow I really am tired.

Our son decided that his home for the week was going to be Grandma and Grandpa's camper outside.  Grabbed his stuff and sprinted to the camper like it was the greatest thing ever!  And theeennnn it was dark lol.  In a place he hasn't been since he was 8 yrs of age and instead of taking his time to get used to it, he rushes, without thinking, and then had a nice big bright smile when he discovered that Grandpa sleeps out there too.  I'm pretty sure every single one of us snored that first night we were exhausted.

The time change didn't really affect us as of yet although my parents church service started at 9am so we totally missed that sleeping in.  But we did manage to get up and ready to invade the 1pm since we were up around 10:30 am.  WOW!  Did I sleep past 8am for once??  Haven't done that since I had kids!  We literally sat there like bags of potatoes, motionless, tired achy bodies, just waiting to head out to church.  We sat there for an hour.  I'm not sure if we even spoke.  Our eldest daughter decided after joining Grandma and Grandpa at church and all her old friends recognizing her that she'd like to stay all day long for all 3 wards to visit with friends repeatedly going to Sunday School and Young Womens.  Only she chickened out during the 11am Ward time and waited for us to come to attend the 1pm Sacrament to hitch a ride back home lol.  It was a great idea like Dyllans woohooo a trailor!  Uh huh.

Anywho we  certainly enjoyed napping, and again eating spectacular food.  My mom is a fantastic cook but Nate is starting to see where I get my planning chops from.  She had a lot planned out but there were only 4 of us extra really.  You know toddlers they eat air most of the time with an occasional pig out fest somewhere in the middle.  We were stuffed to the gills the entire time were there!  Poor Nate by the end of it was saying please no more food lol.  But at the same time he resisted real well like a 4 yr old resists candy!  Good food is always hard, impossible to say no to.

We really enjoyed Monday night with my Dad's side of the family!  It was great to see them.  My aunt had surgery on her foot and brought her very own photo album of the whole ordeal right down to the puss.  Nothing like pictures of some good puss and stitches just before you eat a hamburger.  Did I gross you out? Good!  Could not believe how big my cousins kids had gotten was great to see how they "panned out".  They're great kids she should be proud of them.  I know I am.  It was really nice to see everyone interacting.  Well, almost everyone.  My eldest was on the verge of turning 14 that week.  She's usually outgoing and talks to people engaging in pretty good conversations even with strangers.  But she avoided these kids like the plague.  They even invited her to sit at their table.  My first reaction was as judgemental as yours just was.  How rude!  But then over time I realized that she was shy and scared.  That'll learn us to judge won't it.  How insensitive!

So I grabbed the 16 yr old teenager of my cousin and her friend and said "She's just sitting on the couch in there hiding why don't you guys go in there and make her talk to you."  They giggled and said ok and the rest of the night all I heard was children laughing, talking and teasing running around playing games.  Music to my ears and reminiscent of my own childhood experiences. A bigger reason that I wanted to head home for two weeks.  To give my own children the chance to make similar memories of their own that they could enjoy and share.   I was shy sometimes too when I was younger.   I always felt awkward at first when I visited my cousins but always warmed up to them in about an hour.  Our daughter took 3 hours and had to be convinced by her older cousins lol.  They had a great time and even tried to practically plan out our whole week from then on out so they could spend more time together.  No one wanted to leave.  Was great.  Ahhh be contd.

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