Saturday, June 29, 2013

This feels like enough to me

So thanks to Pfizer 'miscalculating' their distribution of Levoxyl I have to take the generic.  'Oh it's the same thing anyways.'  Uh, no it isn't.  Since I started taking this drug I'm restless, completely worn out, losing some hair again ( not happy might slap someone), and dehydrated by the time I wake up in the morning.  Of course I don't want to drink water all night long or just before bed then I'll be up all night peeing so no thanks.  I do keep some water near me when I wake up or feel like I'm thirsty.  I was doing so well too.  With Levoxyl I was finally feeling like my old self again.  After gaining 40 lbs after going hypothyroid and working on my dosage I have lost 31 lbs of that so far and I would loooove to keep going.

I keep telling myself this is just a set back.  No big deal. It's not like Levoxyl won't return but this shortage might kill me in the process.  After going through 2 years of trying to fix it and enjoying a whopping 2-3 months of feeling my old self I'm entitled to be impatient and totally miffed don't you think?  So in the meantime I will sit here waiting impatiently mumbling under my breath.  I need sleep.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So far .....

I really enjoy having my kids home for the summer.  For the most part.  I admit it gets harder having them all home, pulling me this way and that for friends and activities.  Feels  a little bit like school with all their after school activities.  We've been to several parks with miss Catie who asks at the crack of dawn every day, "Can I go upside?"  Of course we have already figured out this means outside.  But for the most part we are really enjoying spending time at home together.

Brings back memories of my own childhood somewhat.  Jumping on trampolines, swimming at the pool, jumping off the tree into the fishpond, playing at the park.  Good times.  But now I'm 38 and don't have the energy I once did, albeit still plenty.  But keeping up with 2 teenagers, one with adhd and a 3 year can take it's toll.  On top of that we trimmed many of our trees, our backyard has 7 or 8 of them, and two large ones in front.  Plus we had to trim all the trimmings and take them to the yard waste facility offered here.  Took about a week and a little bit.  I must admit I like and hate the way I feel after hours of hard work.  Hate knowing the muscles the next day will mangle themselves around me in awkward ways and yell at me in nightmarish tones.  Like because you feel like you've accomplished something important and spent your time well that day.

As a result of being this busy losing weight has become completely easy.  I hardly even have to think about it, it's coming off on it's own just by doing all the things that need to be done.  I find myself starving in the mornings and eat huge breakfasts but throughout the day I lose my appetite and get  a lot done and because of the heat I crave salads and fruits at the end of the day just for the water content.  Summer is the best diet ever lol.  Hopefully all this hard work will grow some muscle with it too, one can hope.

We don't have any big plans this summer as we spent last summer camping our way up to Canada and staying with family for a week then camping our way back down.  Was a great trip!  This year the most trip we are taking is Hubby and I are going to see Weird Al Yankovich in concert in a month and stay overnight there to have a small break from kids, mostly for me.  Looking forward to some silly with hubby.  Would be nice to head up to lake at least once this summer though.  I really enjoy doing that with the family.

But, for the most part this summer has been reserved for home projects and renovations.  Painting, cleaning carpets, replacing the kitchen floor, building shelves and reorganizing the basement.  That kinda thing.  Lots to do and only so many weekends to do them in.  Hopefully all the future weekends will be filled with sunshine.

Still haven't even had to chance to go tanning or swimming yet.  I know we'll get there, eventually lol.  I really look forward to it as we all like swimming!  Now if only I could find more kids my 3 year olds age in the area for her to have playdates with.  That actually bugs me a lot that she doesn't have more.  We live in a big city and we still feel she has no one to play with.  Every time we go to a park and she tries to play with any kids they push her down or yell at her.  Really makes me wonder what the hell parents are thinking that our child is friendly and wants to share and theirs are bullies without fail.  Hope the world doesn't end up this way when she's an adult.  It wouldn't be a world worth living in anymore if that's how future generations are going to turn out.  Please, pay attention to your children.  Not just at home but public places where they have opportunities to make new friends.  Help them understand how to go about it at a young age so that they are well adjusted by the time they are of school age.  Makes it easier on all involved.

Well, I hope you are enjoying your summer so far.  Tell me, what have you been up to?