Tuesday, March 8, 2011

If you can't say somethin' nice

You all remember the movie Bambi. Everyone knows thumper. Very good advice that his mother gave him that he could share with all of us as children wasn't it. " If you can't say somethin' nice don't say nothin' at all". In other words bite your tongue and keep it to yourself.

However, does that still apply as a grown up? Do we still follow Thumper's advice today? I guess as an adult we have to decide or weigh in the consequence possibilities of our words and responses to others. I am of the mind to say what I think and what I mean to say as often as possible so that everyone basically knows where I stand. I don't have to be rude about it but I have to be honest. I occasionally sugar coat it for ya'll but not always. I think biting my tongue is still relevant on rare occasion when I'm faced with someone I don't particularly care for talking about something I could care less about or discussing something that doesn't really matter or is so high up on my list of petty whining that I choose if possible not to participate.

I'll still listen, when I'm not constantly interrupted, and do my best to share advice if asked or even share personal experience which seems to be the best approach to getting my point across. But lately, I feel short fused if you will. It's like Gordon on Hell's Kitchen he eventually reaches his boiling point after dealing with the incessant stupidity of others, who he darn well knows, know better than that. Same goes for me. People know better than that to go out of their way to judge or whine about another person in our midst or some subject of simplicity not at all important to discuss. Not that I personally feel obligated to run off and tell said person in our midst what people are saying that would sink me to a level of disgust I dare not travel because it will ALWAYS come back to haunt you. But I do reach a boiling point where I have to literally repeat what Thumper's mother said in my head to keep from giving them a royal piece of my mind.

Please let me know of any personal experiences that you have had with boiling point of how others have rudely treated you, family members, friends, or even just topics they CLEARLY know nothing about and let me know how you handled it and if that was the best way in your opinion or warn me not to follow in your footsteps. I find it important to teach through example so if you have a new way of "biting my tongue" so as not to "shut everything down" that would be awesome thanks!

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