Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Feel Dumb

Have you ever had a feeling to do something because it was the right thing to do and then felt stupid afterwards? Not because you said anything stupid but just plain awkward?

I feel that way too often lately. My logic is very simple and straight forward I don't need complications or to talk above someone's head I used to do that alot sometimes on purpose I admit for pure entertainment teasing value, hopefully never at the expense of hurt feelings. I think that life offers it's own confusions and I've decided not to be a part of them thus the straight forward honest approach is best for me. But even if I've skillfully worded it, had a great happy peaceful feeling about it, afterwards all I feel is just plain awkward.

The most irritation thing is I'm sure it's just me. Somehow for some weird reason I'm allowing my head to wander into a million different scenarios on how others might take what I say. The world has gotten so over sensitive about everything that it's nerve wracking just to think anything about another human being. How they'll react to anything I say or do. There are people around me that are in some odd frame of mind about things and always seem to be offended along with the expectation that the perfection that they are trying to attain in this life comes from "acting" perfect around others.

This is a mistake. Pure and simple mistake. In order to become perfect you must be willing to sink so low to the ground that you are willing to admit you are dust and humble enough not only to accept it but be thankful for it. Interesting concept I know. But, true. To be above others is arrogant and prideful. To think you are better than others at any point in time is wrong. To constantly put those around you, even the ones that hate you, first in it's own crazy way is how you should be living and anyone who has EVER done that in their lives knows first hand the fantastic happy feeling you get from it.

But beware the feelings that you should be and are entitled to something in return for this is false. A trick. Has happened to me many times. I do lots of nice things for someone and not only do they not reciprocate they act as though an kind act I do towards them I owe them constantly because they are the moon and sun. Not good. Not correct either but whatever rocks their boat lol. I've been tricked and lied to by thoughts that seek only to cause my heart to be angry. Pfft what a waste! At least I figured it out though. At least the first thought that pops into my mind is to let it go to forgive quickly and move on. Yeah I learned something important!

Now the question is, how do you pass something like that on to others without them being over sensitive and offended? How do I help people without feeling dumb?

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