Friday, January 13, 2012

I love People

People fascinate me. I never seen something so beautiful and ugly at the same time. One minute they are friendly the next ferocious and the next laughing. Maybe we are all bipolar lol. Well, to an extent.

I love watching mothers with their small children when they are smiling and answering questions to their baby's little voice. Teaching and being genuinely affectionate.
And then of course five minutes later, when their sweet child picks up a rock and throws it at someone else's kid, how their faces wrinkle up in frustration and they are swift to take action. So cool how we can do that isn't it? Not to mention the apologetic face and body language of embarrassment when they walk over to the other angry mother to say how sorry they are. I giggled at the whole thing thinking how completely nuts we must look to women without children lol.

I love watching dads too. They are unfailingly strict and play a little too rough. They get aggravated quickly when they are busy fixing something on the house and constantly being interrupted by their children. But there is always that one sweet moment, where they make a joke or kick the ball back to them smiling, and you can see it in their children's faces, how they soar with delight that dad sees them and he must really love them. It may be a small moment or two but to them it's worth it. And kind words at all makes them so happy.

I love watching children. I love sitting at the park listening to all the squeals and laughter and even the occasional whine. I imagine how awful that would be not to have those sounds around me. The world would be so eerily quiet. Too quiet.

My favorite place to hide is my bathtub. Stick my head under the water while it's running and it drowns out every sound outside that bathtub. All I can hear is the water running and breathing. The most relaxing thing in the world. Well, until someone bursts in the door complaining about what the other one did. Dag nab them when they do that lol. That icky jolt you feel when you have just fallen into a complete state of peace and tranquility. Hate that.

I love my enemies too. I know that seems weird and other people usually tell all their friends what so and so did. I usually tell 2 and one of them is always my husband. But I do cry for them. I do. I love them despite their lack of good feelings towards me. I always end up wishing things could be different and wracking my brain for ideas on how to soften their hearts. But, alas, they have to choose. And some inspite of your kind efforts, ignore any opportunity for true and honest change towards you or anybody. They're stuck. Damned I guess you would call it. And by choice of all things. My heart aches for them continually and I pray for them. I really do.

People fascinate me. I never seen something so beautiful and ugly at the same time. One minute they are friendly the next ferocious and the next laughing......

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