Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Plagued Season

It is sooooo beautiful outside!  My eldest daughter's allergies are killing her, I can relate but I grew out of them for the most part I hope she will too.  In the meantime Claritin seems to be working for her.  My youngest four year old and I have been enjoying playing in the dirt ( planting/weeding), playing at the park with friends, and we are adding riding our bicycle.  Funnily enough doctors orders.  Our doctor Anne Hibbard is the best!  We have similar aged kids so we go through all the same stuff at the same time it's nice to relate so easily.  She suggested we put our "baby" on a two wheel and take away the tricycle so that she can get to two wheels quickly and it will be a short fall lol.  Our 4 year old is considered petite for her age however with her latest growth spurts we'll thinking that might change.  By the way the kids physicals went spectacularly!  Mom is happy all kids are happy and healthy, kids were happy no shots this time lol.

With all of this joy not all feel it.  I have learned over the years that in our families' circumstances it is better to keep moving forward than to dwell or wallow.  When we don't, we are plagued with sadness, self pity and milking the situation for all it's worth.  Granted I have two teenagers but at least they aren't pros at it.  I hope they never will be pros at the pity party.  It does no good to anyone for any reason not even yourself.  Pfft, ESPECIALLY yourself.

Sometimes we can get used to the attention when we struggle and become addicted to it.  Without noticing.  We get used to be catered to and treated well and no one will disagree that it feels good when people fawn over you and take care of you.  However, it is only meant to be a temporary fix.  To help you for a little while until you can take care of yourself.  You are expected to take care of yourself.  To be resourceful and self reliant.  After all you can't be of any service to others if you can't take care of yourself now can you.  Now having said that you can also always find a way to serve others despite your circumstances.

Stop the pity party!  Stop fixating on all the things that are wrong in your life and believe me I understand when they are blaring in your face it's hard to escape.  I'm not saying escape.  I'm saying learn to cope.  When you serve others you are more likely to forget your own trials and worries.  If you don't believe me try it for yourself and you will gain a testimony of it for yourselves.  What's worse, do not under any circumstances become dishonest about your life in any way just to keep the attention and focus on yourself and ailments.  Learn to live with them and cope with them best you can and worry about others who are in need.  Pay it forward.  You got temporary help to get you back on your feet, hopefully doing all you can to get onto your feet in the process, do it for someone else.  You know how much it meant to you to have the help make sure you pass that on and help others.  It's a lifelong cycle.  It's important that it stay a circle instead of a straight line.

It's beautiful outside!  Sunshine, warm air, everyone out walking and talking.  It WILL make you feel better.  Just get out there!  Live again!  No more pity parties!

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