Thursday, August 13, 2015

Still Recovering and Forcing Forward Motion

Fourteen hours.  That's how long our first day of driving towards Utah was, we landed in Denver.  At least ten of those hours were spent driving, visiting, enjoying each other's company.  We were all so thrilled and excited to get to spend time together, just us.  Didn't really matter how as long as we could.  The anticipation of all the things to come on our vacation created a wonderful ere of excitement.  Timing five people for bathroom breaks, the youngest being five, is an impossible task.  There were times we'd stop and fifteen minutes later after beginning our drive again we'd hear, "I have to go to the bathroom."  A roll of the eyes, a giggle, sometimes even a what do we do now we're in Kansas and there's not a rest stop or town for another 30 miles.  But we did okay.  We made it tired and happy to be safe.

We reached our hotel that evening without much trouble finding it.  The swarm of police surrounding it helped.  Swat van, detectives, and police cruisers were everywhere.  Made us uneasy but since we made a reservation here we entered the parking lot and hubby went inside to investigate what was going on.  While he was safe inside his family was sitting in the van wide eyed at all the happenings.  At one point I had put my window down to hear if any of the people in front of us and by that I mean the people who were gathering on the lawn in front of the hotel, byob and let's see who's getting arrested, knew what was going on.  I noticed a gathering of police and detectives around two individuals and watched one of them push the officers away from him as they crowded around him and shoved him up against the light pole in front of us, cue the window going up and doors locking.  When hubby returned I believe his comments were at least they have a good response time and we should be safe here look at all security.  That night was tiring, interesting, a little nerve wracking but to be honest we were too wiped out to care and slept well that night despite any drunk patrons wandering down the hall searching for their room that was on the next floor.

In the morning we felt renewed and rested, smiles on our faces headed to breakfast where our hotel morning manager was very friendly and talkative.  He informed us of a haunted hotel and some other haunted establishments in the Denver area if we were into that sort of thing.  Of course this topic took shape when we mentioned that his cheerio dispenser was turning itself and dropping cereal everywhere.  We were thrilled to see the rockies again it had been so long for us!  The kids were taking many pictures and commenting on how beautiful it was and how much they missed it.  Our youngest seeing their enjoyment became elated herself with the view and also was very good for us on the drive ahead listening to everyone's "I can't wait to do" lists.  We're very proud of her for traveling so well for us.  Not as many are we there yet's as one would expect.

Sunny, gorgeous, not muggy, no humidity.  Salt Lake City.  Such a beautiful valley.  Although we were wondering when they started driving like they were NASCAR racers?  It's a freeway not a racetrack and it tickled us to see the big signs overhead saying no fatalities on the interstate in 7 days.  Hoping they would make it at least 10 since that's how long we were staying there.

To be continued...

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