Saturday, July 17, 2010

Explain Yourself

So as most mothers/wives know we reach that point in our lives where enough is enough. We've done about a billion loads of laundry by now. Washed our umpteenth dish and if we have to hear "Mom, he/she is hurting me!" one more time we just might snap postal worker style. Just now I was in the kitchen you'd never know that I spent over an hour cleaning it this morning because I was hoping by some stroke of magic luck that the people who messed it up would actually want to clean some of it.
No such luck.
My question is this. Families, do you not see us working our A**es off to cook for you, clean for you, drive you around, listen to your weird obscure stories that we blank out half the time on because we're pretty sure we've heard this before, made your beds and last but not least wash, dry, fold and sometimes iron your laundry? If you do see us doing all of these things, and I think you do we all know you notice even though you're trying to pretend you weren't there like OJ Simpson, then why for heaven's sakes, or mine, do you ignore it? Worse than that. Why do you go out of your way to put your clothes that we just washed on the floor that we just vaccumed covered in dirt from the shoes that we just asked you NOT to wear in the house? Why do you use every single cup in the house as if there's some elf that keeps the cupboard filled with them and it will never empty, my name is elf, and cover the counters with crumbs from the toast and sandwiches that you 'never made Mom I swear'? Why? No really I want to know.
If you appreciate your Mother or your wife or significant other then please for the love of Mike PICK UP AFTER YOURSELVES. That makes alot more time for us to listen to the stories we've heard before, drive you around while you scream in our ears hoping that we don't run into the guy in front of us because someone's toy just rolled under the break, and can spend what you call "quality time" with you. Isnt' that why you interrupt us constantly in the first place?

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