Monday, August 29, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Mondays are so anti climactic when it comes to commotion aren't they? All that time spent with family and friends whether it's doing errands, a visit to the library, or yard work. Busy, tiring, fun, chaotic. Then, it's Monday. And it's not like it's a gradual down play either. It's more like a quick jolt! Everyone gets up, has breakfast, gets ready for the day, then out the door. Silence. Well almost, our baby occasionally cries when everyone leaves without her she is such a curious soul and wants to know where everyone is going. But lately it's been more of a bye bye and wave then devious grin. Like her mom I think she's going to earn the nickname 'trouble'.

Have you ever noticed how much extra housework there is on Monday and how overwhelmed you feel. Kind of like coming off a much needed vacation where you had help doing all the work on Saturday but somehow it accumulated and then some on your relaxing Sunday and now there's nothing but piles of mess everywhere. I'm sure it's not just my house every parent can relate. Right? RIGHT?! Not to mention when the kids come home to do their much needed chores which you've already started for them to "help them out" they grumble and whine and give you dirty looks. Good times.

We have Family Home Evening every Monday night (when we don't get distracted lol) and lately we have opted to simply address any situations or problems or even recent questions about, well, anything that the kids might have or be struggling with. Certainly makes it easier to find topics rather than rack my brain after my manic Monday to come up with something on my own. However, the topics get harder and harder as they get older and older and we try to be sensitive to their own ideas and thoughts concerning these things. Lately though, they are getting harder to answer. Some of these things I don't remember even thinking about at their age. Poor kids are forced to grow up too soon it's going to hurt society in the long run in my opinion and as such my husband and I try very hard to arm them both spiritually and mentally for the challenges that they might face earlier than we would like them to.

Sex Ed for example. I agree with some of the things they discuss warning our children about STD's and the emotional stress of engaging such an act at such a young age. Abstinence is supported highly and almost suggested as the best thing for any of them to do as long as they are in some kind of schooling including post grad. We of course add that if you wait until you are married it's not only harder to regret or run into any problems physically and emotionally but that it will make that bond of marriage that much stronger with whom they choose to love and live with for life.
Hard topic to teach but unfortunately they are just that age and I'd rather they heard every angle with parents to make sense out of it with them ( not for them ) than to assume the world has a good head on it's shoulders. Let's face it. It doesn't.

By the time I get to the point of Monday evening where the kids are all sorted out from whatever issue ailed them tonight and they are off to brush their teeth and plop into their beds I feel that familiar feeling. This is the part of the night where I've already been bitten by a zombie prior to dinner and Family Home Evening but the effects are starting to kick in and my mind starts drawing blanks. My husband calls it my floopy phase which of course he enjoys because he has discovered something about me that no one should have ever known. When I am floopy I am bluntly honest to the point that I will allow my mind to run on 'autopilot' and blurt whatever pops into it. Highly entertaining as I'm told. I hardly ever remember what I was saying being that this phase happens before I pass out for the night into what I desperately hope is a blissful deep sleep for at least 6 hours. He might have to start videotaping it for proof.

So there you have it, Manic Mondays are stressful and tiring and apparently in the late evenings on a level of weird honesty lol. How did your Monday go?

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