Thursday, November 3, 2011

We Can't Go On This Way

I feel like a failure alot these days. But I try to suck it up and remind myself that I'm doing the best I can. Worry about me not everyone around me. One problem though and it's a doozy. My family is constantly influenced by everyone else around them. We all want it the way we want it after experience and observation of others and ourselves. Hard to achieve.

My kids aren't kids anymore. (sigh) They are teenagers. (bigger sigh) I knew this was coming I expected to butt heads with them but commmeee ooonnn. They are wonderful children don't get me wrong. But sometimes lately they are more immature than their one year old sister and it's kinda driving me nuts. I have been accused of yelling when I have gone out of my way not to and to be calm and speak clearly to them. I have been accused of it always being my fault even when I'm not in the room or don't make a peep. And I hear "No! I'm not going to do that!" and "Make me". Which I do.

I'm not one of those parents that makes a threat and have worked with my husband along these lines of discipline also. We make a pretty fierce team to be reckoned with if you push. I don't threaten. I simply state if you disobey, or ignore, or refuse then this IS going to happen. I love taking away the tv and computer and watching their creative minds thrive. Don't tell them I said that. I love seeing them want to play board games, sports outside, etc vs the alternative of FB friends and weird Disney Channel shows.

I really wish there were more hours in every day so that we had the time to do all those things together we want to. But if the chores don't get done then we all get behind and we all get stuck doing everyone else's work ( laziness another teenage quality) and thus never have the time to enjoy the fun aspects. Like jumping in the pile of raked up leaves before bagging them. Sliding on our socks on the newly polished hard wood floors. Dag nabbit my kids are no fun! I still do those things!

Where in the parent handbook does it say that my kids have to pretend to be adults by not doing anything in good simple fun anymore? Parents take away the cell phones it's a catastrophe waiting to happen. Less accidents just from the lack of texting and talking on the phone while driving which means most of us get a fair chance to live out our lives. That and they think that it makes them older. Reminds me of cigarette commercials. Forgive me for saying this but same crap different pile right? Get them outside turn off the tv play basketball, go hiking, do anything outside. Play in the snow you know how to wear layers and play in the snow stop whining about the cold.

I hope and pray for a better generation. One that holds tight to tradition of families first and electronics can wait. These children have the potential to be absolutlely amazing people that could literally do incredible things for this world and we are ruining it for them with all this stuff. There is so much stuff going on around them they haven't a moment to figure out what they really want and I don't want to send confused children to a post secondary education on my dime and have them clueless. Do you?

I have no problem with the I'm not going to's and make me's as long as I stick to what I believe in and be a good example to them. As long as I make an honest effort. I feel like giving up alot with them because of how the world is. But who said I had to follow the world in the first place? I wish for a more mature attitude from my kids that they will never get if there are no outlets that exclude video games 10 hours a day and cartoon addicts. They need things that build them up in a respectable and intelligent way. Am I the only one annoyed with how kids act today and that so many parents just give up and let them go on this way?

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