Friday, March 23, 2012

Fighting Fear

We hear quite often the expression overcoming your fears. Most of us are told, sometimes by parents, to simply accept it and move on. Sometimes it just is but how does that help me or heal me? Shouldn't I put up a fight?

I used to have this thought and act on it quite frequently and thank Heavens for sparing my life on more than one occassion that rocked! I had and still sometimes have this insane fear of heights. I mean insane. Like I can stand on a chair and profusely sweat and get dizzy and ill as if I was on the edge of a cliff. My favorite thing to do was hike and stand on edge of cliffs to see the landscape but over time this fear took over and I had to be standing about 30-40 feet back from the cliffs edge and could hardly see a thing. Then luckily I moved to the mountains so I was able to fight that fear frequently enough to be comfortable with a cliffs edge again. Took forever!

That's what I mean by fighting my fears. It's better to bring myself the do the things I'm scared of, one thing at a time, than to overcome them with a simple acceptance and ignore them or shelve them. I didn't fight in the pre existence just to sit here, I came here to live. Some fears are worthy of avoiding to an extent, but for the most part I need to pick one and start moving on it. Could be as simple as afraid to fail at something. Maybe I'll just get so good at failing everything I try that at least I'll know what I'm capable and what I'm not right? So what if people scoff and think they're better let the Lord sort them out. He's good at that.

I have an idea where to start, too personal sorry, and I have been thinking and contemplating with it for over a month now. Just need to sit down and make a list of ideas of ways to fight this fear as frequently as I can and execute them without the nervous tendencies getting in the way. That's the part I need to overcome. The nervousness that comes with fighting my fears that's the part I need to toss aside and ignore so I can get more comfortable with the kind of person I want to be.

Hopefully everyone will be able to find something about themselves that irritates them to no end. Something maybe they wish they were good at and see others good at and turn green with envy and maybe just maybe I'll see you somewhere down this road at the same junction and we can fight our fear together! Let faith big my biggest weapon!

PS Mark Twain knows what I'm talking about check out his quote on the right!

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