Monday, November 12, 2012

Are you happy?

Are you happy?  Seems like such a silly and yet a loaded question at the same time.  Someone will respond of course I am why wouldn't I be?  Some others will say wow, am I happy?  I was asked this question a while ago and before then never really gave it much thought.  I mean I smile most of the time, I love my family and friends.  I feel like I can breathe most of the time and when I stress out I have jogging, a punching bag, yoga, etc to help me out with that.  But the older I get the harder it is to answer that question.

I usually take the approach that I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, kids are doing well in school, business is busy for hubby, baby is happy and healthy.  So therefore I'm happy.  Over the course of the past few weeks I keep contemplating it.  How important is that question when I ask it to my family?  Would I want my children to do whatever makes them happiest in life regardless of my opinion on the matter?  Would I be okay saying it's their life let them do what they want or would I needlessly worry that it isn't turning out like I had dreamed and hoped for them?  Would I be offended at all if they didn't live a life that I have spent my life teaching to them is the best approach?  See what I mean?  Loaded question.

My heart has a very simple answer to all of the questions above concerning my children.  Yes.  Yes I would want them to be the happiest they can be, enjoying their lives.  Even if it goes against my grain, when they are adults I will worry less if they are truly happy.  Do my parents do that?  Is that the same answer they would give?  I wonder.

I love reading a good book in a bubble bath with no kids beating on the door or wrecking the house while I'm in there.  I love to sing.  I love to dance.  I love playing silly board and card games.  I love to laugh.  I love walking in the autumn colors and I love to run.  I love playing in the snow and freezing my fingers and toes.  (No, not because I'm Canadian as if)  I love the rush I feel skiing almost out of control.  Sometimes I get all caught up in the not knowing of things and enjoy the anticipation like Christmas and Birthdays etc.  I love to give.  Giving and helping are my biggest rewards.  Not picked on all the time use me like a doormat but you have a project you need help finishing or you need a night out with the girls or you need a date with your hubby, although now I send them my daughter to babysit lol.  I love feeling like I've made a difference or inspired someone's life in some way.  I love crafts like quilting and cross stitching I wish I had more time for those.  I love spending one on one time with my husband where we can get into deep conversation or even just goof off together just to be alone with each other is wonderful. (especially when you have kids)  I love hearing kids laughing and playing.  A cleaner more organized house would make me happy but with small kids I will learn to be patient lol.  There are a lot of things that make me happy in this world and in this life.

What makes you happy?

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