Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election

All that anticipation and stress leading up to a federal election can really take it's toll on a gal.  Phew!  So many weird comments, vicious remarks, fact checking ( which I did myself also ), and commercials ( the horror!! ), I'm so glad that it's over.  However, a new stress begins.  Now that "Obamacare" is going to be put into effect, along with middle class tax hikes and gun control ( I'm not a Nazi Mr President ), we have as a result lost a lot of our financial freedoms.  My husband is a physicist, a laser scientist.  Not many people in the country could do that and yet as a result of obamacare and the penalty fees for anyone working over 30 hours without the company manditorily ( I know it's not a word but it is now lol )it does effect our own healthcare.  We have had wonderful healthcare through Northrup Grumman but this new law is making it more unaffordable for them, not less, and as a result we aren't even sure what health care we can keep or even if they will keep everyone on full time salaries.  That deeply affects our livelihood.

For some of you that don't understand I'll take a crack at it.  There are thousands of companies here in the US that as a result of obamacare have been scrambling to hire as many part time employees as they can so they don't have pay a fine or offer healthcare to their employees for having more than 50 workers, it's far too costly to be forced to do that for most companies and the fine is $2,000 per employee.  On top of that breadwinners who may work full time for some of these companies are in effect taking hour cuts aka pay cuts and it adds up to about 20% in salary loss for them.  That's huge!  Any single parent home or single income family will either need a really good education to be competitive and receive that, now honored, spot for a full time position or and this is more likely over the next coming years, they will need to work two jobs to make ends meet.  So yes, in effect, Obama did create more jobs, just by forcing the same ones to take more than one and I won't even get into the DREAM ACT being a legal immigrant myself.  Appalling!

The re-election of the President has made me take up jogging again because I am so stressed out with trying to go back to school and my husbands work being subject to all of these new issues and laws.  Sounds like a good thing doesn't it.  Was gonna take up jogging anyway but to relax.  Now it's going to be just to remain on a livable level so I don't have a heart attack or worry too much about how to afford my new roof now or that new car we were saving up for.  Not too excited about our future here in the US.  We're not even sure at this point if either of us will ever be able to retire.  Obama already spent our Social Security and that or our children, our children's children and our children's children's children and with his record Social Security will be nothing more than a way to keep tabs on you and your money will go straight into the Federal Government's pocket.

If, on the other hand, President Obama actually lives up to anything he said he'd do without casually leaving important facts out of his statements to the public, he did that a lot during his campaigns, then I won't have to worry now will I?


  1. Shawna, yours is the only anti-Obamacare opinion I've ever read that makes a lick of sense. Most of the far-right blowhards in the media obfuscate the issue with too much nonsense (ie. Obama is a commie nazi fascist Muslim).

    The fact is that the U.S. should have figured out a sustainable plan for universal health care a long time ago. Now it's probably too late. This is not true universal health care anyway - it's merely propping up private insurance.

    You're not the only ones who will probably never retire. I'll probably be working about 10 years after I'm dead lol.

  2. I hate to say it Jeff but what do Americans expect in a 1000 page document that slips in countless other laws into it. He knew no one would have the time to read it all and none of it was written plainly at all but with several other bills attached to it. It wasn't just about healthcare at all. It was a way for Democrats to sneak in laws that will change American forever without their knowledge of it. There's a reason so many are confused and they should be. What they thought they were agreeing to was only maybe 30 pages of the original document.
