Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to deal with a liar?

We've all been there.  You are listening intently to someone speaking to you about something that happened whether it was to them or to someone they know and I understand the embellishing thing I ignore that, but how uncomfortable is it when you know for a fact it's a lie!  Sooooo awkward!  I have had plenty of experiences with people telling me tall tales and there's always that point in the story where something strikes you and you're like waaaait a minute.  Sometimes you just want to yell out are you kidding me right now with this?  Seriously?  Or at the very least put a large sock on their head and move onto another conversation.

It gets worse.  What do you do when the lie is on a very important issue that could affect millions of lives?  I actually tried to say well that's just not true but they continued on and on with the issue and started spewing out about 10 different places I could check it.  If you know me, you know I do so if you're lying it's just plain faster to say so I'll laugh and we can move on.  I went to these so called 10 different places and found not one thing similar on the matter.  In fact, I myself was incorrect albeit more accurate about the matter when I was discussing it with them.  I will have no trouble saying I was wrong or correcting it, it's too important.  But if it isn't important to them why should they care what harm it causes.  That actually makes me feel like a roller coaster going off the tracks in my stomach.

The question still remains.  How do you deal with a liar?  Especially when you love them, respect them.  In some cases, pfft, in most cases I just let it go.  But this particular subject it could cause a panic in a lot of the country over nothing.  Heated arguments that are based on inaccuracy and, you got it, embellishments.  C'mon media get a grip will ya?  You are only supposed to report the reality and facts not let us know what you think.  We don't really care what you think, we care what we think.  As the old saying goes when we want your opinion we'll give it to you.  And keep Hollywood out of it!  They represent less than 1% of the world's population so let's put that into perspective.

We live in a society that is seriously lacking in honesty and trust.  When did that become okay?  Why is it so scary to tell the truth?  Who are you trying to impress and if it's someone you want around you long term are you prepared to have them refuse to trust you based on your beginning?  What's the point?  I will never forget the one lie I told my husband almost 3 years ago.  It lasted about 3 hours.  That's it.  It felt completely horrible and awful to do that to him, to myself.  No good could come of it and I decided it was better to suffer the consequences now than drag it out and suffer what could very well be a completely different and more severe set of consequences.  I'm so glad that I came clean with him so swiftly, he was kind and caring about it with me and forgave me right away.  Can we say phew glad that's over?  Good thing the lights were dim I'm sure my face was purple!

In my own experiences in recent years I've learned that gossip is never worth your breath, lying is just a way to cheat yourself our of happiness, and betraying someone's trust is permanent.  But that's me.  That's what makes it so hard for me to understand why other people bother to be dishonest.  Even the smallest of lies can cost you big time.  Pull up your big girl or guy panties and be real for a change.  You might even discover, as I have, that the truth is far too interesting to want to mess it up.

I need to find a one sentence deal that I can say to everyone that I know is lying to me that will stun them into thinking about why they bothered?  That would be awesome!  I prefer a stunned tongue to a lying one any day.

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