Friday, July 26, 2013

Today is a New Day

With every new day the brightness of possibilities.  What can I accomplish today?  I've started waking up feeling that even though physically I might not be able to accomplish everything I set out to, the possibility of what I can obtain or finish is great.  I set my mind to do whatever I can handle to the best of my capabilities and carry on with it.  If I tire, I simply do and need to rest for a spell but that doesn't mean I have to stop trying.  Try is the most powerful, awesome, important word in my vocabulary.

Sometimes it's hard when we remember how well we used to do things or wish we were more improved in some areas sooner or faster.  That wonderful word try.  It allows you to fail without regret or malice.  Nobody is perfect.  We set out to do our best and although occasionally our best in our minds is far greater than our realistic capacity, we should remember that word try.  'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.'  It also means, you'll never give up.  Goals don't always turn out the way we originally planned them but that doesn't mean they can't work out the way they were always meant to.  As long as we have an attitude to keep moving forward anything is still possible.

I have great faith in everyone around me on a constant level that if they just keep trying every will turn out alright.  It's when they quit or 'I give up' that they are letting themselves down.  Why all the work put into it thrown away?  All that will be received in that is sorrow, a lack of self confidence.  I find myself always wanting to encourage them to go on, keep trying.  I am learning still to apply this to myself, practice what I preach.  Allow myself some leeway for mistakes and small temporary failures.  Sometimes these things help us see our tribulations or queries from a different angle which can make all the difference in solving them.

I urge you, I urge me, to make that word try a staple in daily life.  To keep standing up when we're knocked down.  To keep moving forward and learning as we go, growing into a better human being than we were yesterday.  We can do this.  Just keep going.

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