Thursday, January 29, 2015

Self Improvement

New Year's resolutions.  Hate them!  Usually. * winks*  The past couple of years I've been in a health battle that I'm tired of not losing but certainly not winning either.  I thought I'd have reached more progress by now but that's probably because I have only been doing what I can which lately has been the bare minimum.  Had the opportunity to coordinate an event about healthy eating and getting into exercise with app helps and all.  Was a fantastic event, one I wish had been better attended as all of these things were so incredibly helpful.

There are some genious ideas out there concerning healthy eating and diet.  Stay away from trends and fast 'diets' when I say diet I mean a permanent change, fads are almost always a mistake.  It isn't easy changing you habits when you get used to a certain way.  I luckily grew up with parents that always made sure there was a garden and fresh vegetables at my fingertips.  Now they also have a few apple trees, I believe a nut tree or two, a greenhouse, a garden, and their raspberry bushes have taken off!  Makes it easy to eat healthier just having it conveniently around you.  So, that's been my first step.  Make sure that I concentrate more on fresh fruits and veggies being at the ready than snacky foods to snack on.  I'm more likely now to grab some salad, an apple, or yogurt for a snack than junk food.  Helps when you limit your snacky foods to the healthiest you can find that everyone will enjoy.  Corn chips and salsa are by far a better choice than potato chips and dip.  Whole grain round crackers with cheddar slices rather than buttery rounds with american cheese.  You'd be surprised how taking your favorite snack and creating a healthier alternative can make such a difference in your dress size but it does.

Being diabetic I already watch my carb intake ( carbs=sugar) so some of these lifestyle changes came because my body said it didn't want the crap anymore it only wants the good stuff.  Hopefully this never happens to you, give it the good stuff!  I also rarely get to eat chocolate, says the chocoholic, but I do get to have dark chocolate on occasion which I actually like better.  I don't know when it happens but somewhere in adulthood things start tasting too fatty and too sugary and sweet.  I can barely eat a store bought cake anymore I'd much rather bake homemade and have a thin layer of icing or no icing at all.  Tastes better to me.

I also participate on MYFITNESSPAL.  Wonderful tool this is!  It keeps track of your caloric intake, gives you notes as you enter your food such as good this food is high in protein or be careful this is high in fat.  Love it!  It also keeps track of my weight goal progression and my daily exercise.  When you add your friends you can all see how well you're progressing together.  It will automatically show your exercise to encourage each other to participate and keep going as well as showing that you made it under your calorie goals, hopefully.  But not too under, then you put yourself in starvation mode and end up storing fat every time you eat instead of your body recognizing you're always getting fed.  Six small meals a day does a body good and will actually help you lose weight.  Don't forget to drink at least 10-12 8oz glasses of water a day keep cleaning out those toxins and letting your body function to it's fullest abilities.

I have been working on being able to jog again for about 4-5 months now and can jog for longer periods of time.  I started working my way up to walking 3 miles in less than an hour ( 40 mins is what my avg turned out to be) and when I finally reached that goal so as not to harm my body and let it build up muscle I started the couch to 5k where you combine running and walking to work up to a nice jog.  Not there yet but I am so thankful that I started and I'll keep trying.  I have better days when I jog, my mind is sharper, my energy is higher and I'm just a lot more smiley. :)

I am still super ambitious and very hard on myself when I don't reach my goals when I think I should.  My body will progress and do what it needs to do the way it was created and I have to learn to be patient.  Results that happen overnight are temporary.  Results that happen over a slow progression last a lifetime.  Hang in there with me!

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