Sunday, April 19, 2015

Profound Spiritual Realizations

It's one thing to know the scriptures, to be able to recite them at a moments notice relevant to the conversation or to have a basic understanding of their truths and meanings.  Through the power of the Holy Ghost we can receive personal witness and revelation pertaining to these truths and when He manifests a true understanding of these things they become burned in our hearts and souls never to be separated from us unless we excuse them.  I have had two seemingly simple ideas, theories, principles take on a much deeper meaning.  For some reason I feel compelled to share them.

Bear with me as explaining something that you comprehend in such a profound way is very hard to describe in words but I'll try.  The story of the prodigal son where his son wants his inheritance now and takes off despite his father asking him to stay but as a good father would accepting his son has made his choice and giving it to him.  The son then basically wastes it on parties and such when he has absolutely nothing left to his name sheepishly returns to his father's house expecting to be put in his place and hear I told you so.  But that's not what he received.  He received hugs and kisses and a feast and a party for his return home.  His father rejoiced in his return with such joy and thankfulness.  Similar to Christ speaking of the 100 sheep and one that was lost.  How much He rejoices in the return when the one is found.  The 99 sheep He didn't have to worry about quite as much they already had a testimony of Him, His existence and His teachings and they chose to follow Him.  But that one that wanders off do to unbelief, was deceived and seduced by the glamour and riches of the world or maybe endured some experience or trauma that made them think that God can't exist if there is struggle is the one He worries about the most.

As a parent and after much pondering and certain experiences recently in my own life I have such a profound understanding of just how sacred and joyous this event of the one sheep found or the son returning home is to our Father in Heaven.  He desires all of His children to be happy and to find true joy that will last eternity.  He has established families to help us be strengthened and nurtured on earth and to gain experiences that help us grow and become more like Him.  Of course having free agency we can choose for ourselves to take our inheritance and leave or to stay and labor in the fields learning what we need to, to be truly happy.  How do you describe a feeling that encompasses pure joy and love mixed with a peaceful state of happiness?  I keep struggling to find the words to explain it.  His love for his children exceeds any other emotion in this world.  It's so powerful and so real.  So sacred and beautiful.  That hope for your children to succeed and find their way home knowing that some may never return.  We are His happiness.

The second was a much better understanding of what Christ's ministry was on the earth.  I know He was here to set a perfect example to follow, to share Heavenly Father's teachings and to establish His Church here on the earth with a Presidency and twelve apostles, with Bishops and missionary work.  To establish the gospel and Priesthood authority and to introduce the sacrament and it's meaning and to change the law of Sacrifice.  To atone for the sins of the world in the Garden of Gethsemane and to overcome death to give us eternal life by becoming resurrected.  This might seem so much simpler now having pointed out a lot of big things that He did but it's a very important principle that  I understand really well now.

When watching a movie I noticed this man that they honored, respected and loved who was willing to save them from certain end and gave them hope to endure.  They would wait to get a glimpse of him when he left his house bearing gifts of whatever they had to spare and would follow him with delight and happy energy telling him they believed in him.  Then I thought that sounds like something people who followed the Savior might have done.  He didn't need the stuff, but He accepted it because He knew how much it meant to them to give it.  He didn't need the bowing or worship but accepted it as a sign of the people's love and affection for Him and for most of His followers that was all they had to offer.  He loved them so much.  So much.  What He wanted them and us to understand is that He wanted us to hear His teachings and sermons.  To ponder them, pray to better understand them.  He wants us to go forth and share them.  He desires everyone to have the opportunity to hear His teachings, His miracles, feel His love for us, believe in His name, accept His Atoning Sacrifice for us and to gain eternal life.  He set the perfect example of what He needs us to do.  To love others, to be charitable and kind.  To let people accept or reject His message according to their own free will and choice.  To partake of the Atonement and repent so that we can return to our Father in Heaven.  What He needs us to do is share these things with the world and let the world one individual at a time decide for themselves what to believe and respect their decisions to accept or reject it as He did.  All He's asking us to do who believe in His name and on Him is to try.

He never said it would be easy, He only said it would be worth it.  Go forward with faith and endure to the end with courage and patience and love.  I hope that the magnitude of what I've learned is conveyed even at all.  Like I said it's hard to describe the feelings and understandings of my heart and I'll keep trying.  I hope and pray that you will find your true happiness and return home.

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