Friday, June 26, 2015


Since my youngest and I have ventured into homeschooling Kindergarten this summer she has made soooooo much progress.  Our opening exercises consist of a an opening prayer, reciting the pledge of allegiance, what the weather is like today, and the days of the week.  In the beginning just the opening exercises felt a bit overwhelming to her but I knew she could do it!

We have 5 subjects a day and three of them are what I guess I consider daily staples.  Reading, Writing, and Math.  We also on different days do Art, Geography, Science, and Spelling.  I always believed the expression children are sponges when it comes to absorbing knowledge but wow!  We began at the beginning of June and now she can read because she learned that sounding out the letters helps her figure out what the word says and is becoming very proficient in a hurry.  She can say the Pledge of Allegiance on her own.  She reads maps and understands how to use a compass.  She's learned about plants her five senses, the difference between reptiles and mammals in more detail than I thought a five year old can handle and currently grasping the concept of the difference between the human world and the natural world.  He math is acceptional she wants no help with addiction, needs limited help for subtraction and is already getting bored with single digits.  In a month!

I have to admit deciding to home school was the hardest decision I've ever made realizing the time commitment to prepare plans and the patience when she definitely acts like she's five.  Temper tantrums wear off eventually but it's like aftershocks of 3 years right? Hahaha  I as a Mom and just plain human being usually feel inadequate about, well, everything and so her be so successful gives me hope that I might be worth something to somebody.  So please with her progress and willingness to learn, she's eager for it.  We have so much fun together most days and adding her swimming lessons, playdates, playgroup and gymnastics she keeps me busy!

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