Sunday, November 13, 2011

Holy Painfulness!

That was THE worst experience in my life so far. Terrible. Painful. It's ok if you call me a baby when you do this with the same doctor I won't say a word.

First of all I had an appointment at 2:15 the doctor didn't even make an appearance until about 3. Then after 10 minutes of talking he administered a local pricking my neck about 9 times trying the "spread it around". He said it would about 5 minutes to kick in and he'd be right back.

15-20 minutes later, he makes an appearance and realizes the nurse isn't here yet so has to hunt her down. Finally with both in the room we are getting underway. It may be a fine needle but let's face it by this time it's been about 20-25 minutes since the local in small but many doses has even been administered and is starting to wear off. The first 2 biopsies I don't feel too bad either than pressure and a small pinch. But the next one. HOLY CRAP and that's putting it politely. Felt funky and cool the first 2 but the 3rd one hurt. I have no description for it. It's like someone stabbing you 3 or 4 times and you could see the doctor was concentrating and trying not to hurt me.

Then he tells me on the 4th one it was bad because I must have moved or turned which I didn't. The 5th time which was supposed to be the last one was bad because I was breathing which is odd because I was literally holding onto the sides of the table and biting my tongue to keep from screaming and when I do that I hold my breath. So finally we get to the 6th one (large needle being poked deep into the nodule in my thyroid about 5 or 6 times to get a sample) and I am just praying to survive and not ball my eyes out in front of them.

Never again. If the hospital looses the samples or anything goes wrong tough! If he ever wants to do that to me again then he has to be 1) on time 2) efficient and timely once the local has been administered 3)don't blame me you're the one with the needle in your hand.

Horrible experience. My neck is still swollen and black and blue. It's still hard to turn my neck and swallow and I definitely didn't sing in church today lol. Coughing and sneezing make me wish I was in labor. Never thought I'd experience something worse than last time I got checked by a nurse in hard labor ( she had lee press ons scratching me from the inside out and all the blood she found was from her) but this biopsy took the trophy.

Now I have "options". If the nodule is cancerous it's nice and easy. Surgery removes it and it's done. Wait a couple of weeks and see if the hyperthyroidism settles down. If it's not then I can either have hyperthyroid drugs that you can only take for 2 years and can ruin your fetus in the first trimester if you becomre pregnant. Orrrr you can opt to take a very high dose of radioactive iodine that kills the thyroid to stop function completely, which will make me radioactive for a week,( can't even sleep in same room as anybody)and will make me hypothyroid for the rest of my life which I'm told by the doctor is much easier to treat and you can get pregnant all you want to.

By the way that myth about hyperthyroidism making you lose weight? Don't listen to it. You lose muscle and bone tissue with hyperthyroidism not fat. Not a diet not a blessing. Instead you also get heart palpitations ( high blood pressure), thinning hair, you're hot all the time, and your tired because you can't sleep. Like menopause with a period. Such a lovely combination isn't it.

Take very good care of yourselves. Don't listen to the donuts or the diet soda or the pizza or the cake anymore. Listen to your heart and your kidneys and your lungs and your liver and take good care of yourself. Fresh fruit and veggies. Lots of water. Make time to rest and sleep when you can schedule it into your day. And lots of walking. Like I said in the last blog walking can solve any problem if you just get off your couch or out of your chair and do it. Call me I'll do it with ya if you need help. That's the bottom line I'm afraid. Do the work and you'll be fine.

1 comment:

  1. wow! you are a trooper. i hope the outcome is a good one :)
