Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let's Try This Again

I struggle rising with the birds, I'm aiming for 6am. I never have time to walk or run on my treadmill and I'm sure it misses me more than I miss it. But I have decided as of late to get reaquainted with said treadmill and also of course my abandoned alarm on my clock now getting some play time. I find and have always found that if I spend even just 15 mins on the hamster wheel that I have a better more energetic happier day. I would rather be happy than tired or bored so there you have it. I have a doctor that literally told me walking can solve everything. Heart out of wack go for a walk, speeding up your heart rate will put it back in sync the way it is supposed to be. Feel stressed? Go for a walk. It helps you think more clearly and as a result you become a better, calmer problem solver. Twisted ankle or sore joints? Go for a walk it's not a marathon but it will help your mobility and increase your capability to retain muscle. Muscle that you're going to need if you like to be upright instead of a wheelchair. Brilliant.

Believe it or not it's that half hour early in the morning , while everyone else is occupied with sleep or getting ready for the day so they don't bother or annoy me, that I love most about my day. I'm sure it's no pretty sight sweat dripping down my red face, possible drool on the horizon if I'm still half asleep. But I like it.

Another wonderful benefit? I crave water all day long. It's not only good for me and calorieless which is a huge wonderfulness about this wonderful thing. But it also makes my skin nicer. Granted in the fall and wintertime I get very scaly red blotches all over my body and face if you have seen me lately I especially get it under my nose and eyebrows. I'm sure people are wondering why I'm picking my nose so much or if I have a cold but you see, I don't care. It is what it is and moisturizing lotion doesn't change it I have to live with it and if you love me, so do you. Hopefully the water will keep kicking in and make my skin look luxurious I can dream right?

I love fruit and vegetables but they don't keep long in the fridge and I find myself always throwing it out so I'm careful what I buy. I can hear the thoughts in your head agreeing with me thankyou. I refuse to take my children grocery shopping with me anymore unless I absolutely have to stop with them on the way home. I'm such a cruel shopping mother too. I think I say the word no more in stores than I do anywhere else in this world. Terrible isn't it. I would like to be able to have my fruit and veggies on a daily basis and have found that I love them more than the rest of my family so I have opted to simply buy fresh every couple of days and just for me. The worst thing that could happen is they get eaten by the family and I get to find a bag of chips right? (pausing) Nope no chips back on topic.

Now the real question is, am I trying to lose weight? No.

Surprised are we? I love feeling invigorated, dancing, sports, even my sad little treadmill that misses me. I'm more worried that I try and that I aim to improve myself compared to, well, myself. I am not you, you are not me. I need to improve who I am compared to who I have been and who I want to become. Most brilliant thing that.

So I will continue to join the birds in the morning and buy my fruit and veggies hiding them best I can to feast on them and I will continue to crave water and energy. I will continue to exercise my muscles and heart and think more clearly so that I can become a better problem solver or ever recollect things that I need to apologize for. I love this world even if it doesn't love me back. I would love to hear what gets you moving and if you have any helpful ideas.

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