Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Toddlers are fun.
Some of the time.

Last night or should I say eeeaarrrly this morning I was finally permitted by my one year old to fall asleep. Only to be awoken about 4 hours later with "Hey that was a great nap mom let's go play now" in my ear. Even through my complaining though, I have discovered that I really like it when she sings to me. She sung herself and I to sleep and then was singing and chattering to me softly to wake me up. Soooo cute.

By the way have I mentioned that personality wise and big blue eyes to boot my baby girl is literally the cutest one in the world? You can call me biased if you want to but the fact is if you met her and got to know her she'd make you sick to your stomach like eating a pillow case full of Halloween candy because she is that sweet.

I hate how video cameras just don't catch the moments like we see them with her. She is by far the most creative, all out passionate dancer that I have ever met. My oldest two children are somewhat musical. She already sings on key and dances her heart out just like her mother. Gosh I miss being a kid sometimes when I look at her and think of all the things she does that remind me of the things I used to really enjoy.

Here's the part where you say, "Why can't you dance and sing anymore?". It's not that I can't, it's that I'm a lot more self conscious now that I'm older. When I was young I loved people watching me, cheering me on saying, "Wow that little girl is so talented!" But now I just get red cheeks and want to crawl in a hole. But, I'm very proud of my toddler for doing her thing and will encourage it until she can't stand it no more lol.

I, like most of you, have great expectations and ambitions for my daughter all the while reminding myself, 'You can steer her in the right direction, but she has to choose to walk it'. I hope that she's a hard worker, she uses her intellect for great and amazing things instead of how to cheat on a test or sneak out of the house or get her dad to give her 20 bucks every time he sees her bat her eyelashes. You know what I'm talking about. I hope that she's a kind hearted individual and displays her talents proudly, unlike her shying away mother who still regrets that. I'm working on it. I hope that she is sensitive to those in need and has a big heart willing to give whatever she can to help, within reason. I just, love her. I want the best for her. I want the best for all my children. ( sorry about the soap opera line there lol)

I guess after making so many of my own mistakes, like listening to the mean kids make fun of me for being good at something, I worry about them making the same ones. I would hate them not to see their potential and have the confidence to keep going. Took me a very long time to stop caring what other people think. Judge away like I've said in the past you'll never be my judge and jury in the end it will on be on your head. By all means keep gossiping thinking that every word and thought hasn't been recorded by angels to some degree. Please continue. Hope my kids refuse to do that their whole lives and I hope they always see the potential for greatness in others.

Ultimately. Everyone has a choice in the matter. How they raise their children. What they allow in their homes. The kinds of friends they choose to surround themselves with ( hopefully ones that inspire ). The kind of person, human being, they want to be while they are living on this earth. I can always hope and pray for them to do well, to succeed. I can always set boundaries to help steer them and be willing to listen because I don't always have the answers and it's ok that they know that.

So, tell me, how are your kids doing?

P.S. Love this youtube video to your right lol soooo goooood.

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