Monday, February 13, 2012

Incredible Journey

I'm sure all of us take the time to reflect our lives a bit, especially on our birthdays. That reminder that we're only getting older and one more frantic year has passed us by and we reflect on if we actually managed to accomplish anything we had planned to by this age in our lives. I'm no exception and do this every year.

Life is such an incredible journey when you hit your 30's. You really start to be able to see how you took shape in your childhood and teens and all the things that could have really honestly messed you up and didn't. You chose not to let it bother you or half the time didn't even notice it. Remarkable.

Looking back I could easily flinch at everything I did wrong. But instead I choose to giggle and smile at the blotches of insecurities and mishaps. How silly and stupid they are sometimes. The more serious ones definitely hurt without question, however, I'm still here. I made it this far. Happy and secure in who I am. So how bad could it have been after all?

There's the flip side of the coin as well. All the things you wish you had the time to accomplish and just have to make other sacrifices in it's stead. It doesn't mean never it just means later on. And that's ok. I have alot of desires and hopes and dreams yet to dream and succeed at. I have plenty on ambition and drive, it's time that gets away from me. But I also know that it's just for now at this moment and could possibly get even busier. But if I set small goals with plenty of time I'll get there. I can always work on the big things when I really do have more time.

And won't it be wonderful to work on all of those hopes and dreams with my husband along for the journey. Helping and encouraging him with his own also. Won't that be grand.

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