Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Again? Seriously?

A big sigh and roll of the eyes later here I am again in a familiar spot. Do young girls really gossip this much? I don't remember doing that. I remember walking away a lot but that was me. Not everyone has the confidence to do that even though I was made fun of for doing the right thing, tooonnnsss. But who cares at least I walked away.

Do the youth of this world really not realize their worth? Really? You honestly can't see that this part of your life is an " in training" if you will? This is the best part of your life if you choose to make it that way! But, you have to choose it. This is the part of life where you decide the kind of adult you want to become and practice it as much as you can.

If you want to be out going and overcome shy tendencies then I say get out there make some new friends, get involved with more team sports and opportunities and see how you do. You will NEVER know unless you try. If you want to become fashionable but not overspend become a trend setter. Design your own clothes and wear them proudly, see how others react. You may be pleasantly surprised. Trust me you don't want the "what if" factor haunting you later. I'm not saying act on every evil or impure thought you have, hopefully you're all smarter than that.

Basically the point is, yes you do have to grow up, it's inevitable from here on out more will be expected of you, required of you. You knew it was going to happen, you have no choice in the matter, it's been going on for thousands of years! Surprise your parents by becoming more honest and responsible for your actions and your words. Yes my little sisters, words can hurt and cause unfixable damage in the process not only to the one it's intended for but to how others view you as well. I myself have lost many a friend from seeing how wrong they treat others and not wanting any part of it and trust me you don't look cool doing it so don't convince yourself that you do.

The old saying what goes around comes around isn't just words at all and it's old because it's been passed on again and again from generations past to help you become better than they were so listen up. I'm sure you have loving parents and grandparents who encourage you to be the best you possible and see loads of potential in who you can become. We're not saying you're there yet though there is work involved after all, so don't mistake our idea of your potential to become into you already are. But we see it in you and encourage it to come out of you as much as possible. We scold and get after you when we think you're detouring from the real you. It's ok to be calm and kind you don't have to be rude or loud or silly all the time in fact if you were all the time I'm sure some people might get annoyed and you might even annoy yourself lol.

Be helpful, and most of all be respectful to everyone around you. Disrespectful people tend not to think too highly of themselves and create bad habits to make up for it. Accept who you are no matter how afraid you are to show it, and work on the things about yourself that really bother you. After all you have to live with you. Everyone else can simply walk away if they have to. You can't so strive to be comfortable in your own skin.

I love you and I think you all have great potential to be brilliant and charming and a generation of true strength and leadership.

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