Tuesday, February 19, 2013

President's Day drive home

I went to bed last night with a familiar feeling.  Plugged up nose, sore throat, fatigue.  My cold is back for a second match so let the fight begin, ding ding.  It already won the first match darn it all!  Had me knocked out cold.  I was visiting my husband's relatives at his parents home for the long weekend.  One of his sisters who lives in England visited with her two boys.  I tried to keep up with all of the kids, five altogether.  On the way home I think I made it maybe 15 miles out of the city when I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Then I thought but I hate falling asleep in the van on the road.  I know how many people I make fun of for their drooling wide open mouths and weird positions in the car when they sleep on the road.  Could make a collage with all the funny and ridiculous sleeping I've seen.  Didn't stop my from passing out though.  When I woke I was almost falling off the front passenger seat to the left towards my hubby who I'm sure had that smile on his eager face because he had just had the last hour to make fun of me.  What better time to gloat.  My arms and legs were sprawled out in all angles and corners they could find comfort, and my hair looked like it had been brushed by a chicken.

I immediately sat straight up to fix my hair, I didn't even dare open the visor with the lit mirror on it I just didn't want to know.  I turned to my right to see a trucker smiling at me almost the same face I had seen a moment earlier on my husband's face.  Just perfect when a stranger was making fun of you too.  He's had his entertainment for the year from me.

After what I would call composing myself aka fixing my hair, wiping the smeared mascara, and adjusting my riding underwear, I realized that hubby had made some good time with his driving and that we were already just over an hour outside of St Louis.  Problem.  When you sleep and wake up in a moving vehicle the first thing your body says to you is pull over.  I waited hoping I could hold it.  I'm no spring chicken anymore but I have a strong bladder that's taken a beating from three kids already and still never peed my pants.  So I held it.  Fifteen minutes passed and then a large couple of bumps on the road to which my eyes grew wider and I said we need to pull over I'm gonna burst.  It's really hard to do the pee dance in a car there's no where to really move to to hold it in.

We pulled over 2 miles and what felt like a century later to a local gas station.  These chubby legs don't run often but they did before we even hit park I was out the door and sprinting through the wind and rain to the ladies room.  I was hit with a blast of what smelt like a years worth of dirty diapers piling up in the trash can grabbed my nose and kept going.  Now all I could think about was that smell.......

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