Monday, October 28, 2013

Good Times......wait

This weekend was very busy with our son's fourteenth birthday and my Father in law's 67th.  It all started with......vomiting.  Our fifteen year old daughter was sick all night long and because the bathroom is right beside our son's room so was he.  What a great way to start right?  She was white as a sheet, stomach cramps, couldn't keep anything down and kept drinking a lot of water.  By the way don't let your kids do that.  Gingerale is better and has a much bigger chance of staying down water tends to be too heavy on the stomach when your sick.  Anywho she spent most of the day either on a couch or in her bed sleeping or laying very zombielike watching tv, sort of.

Meanwhile hubby and I were busy in the kitchen preparing the two 'birthday cakes' that these gentlemen had requested.  Our son asked for lemon meringue pies ( total yum) for his 'cake' and I made two of them.  He helped stir the lemon curd for the pies so that made him feel happy.  They turned out spectacularly!  So much flavor and perfect meringue.  Hubby had made the cakes the day before, our children on Friday evening had a get together with some friends and a bon fire out back.  Sounds like they had a lot of fun we checked on them periodically but for the most part they're teenagers and they know what we expect of them so we left them alone.  Sorta.  We could see everything out our bedroom window lol.  Getting on with it, hubby had already made two homemade chocolate cakes and I had melted some chili chocolate to make the icing for the middle to give it an overall kick.  Then he did the rest of the icing while I prepared egg salad and tuna salad for sandwiches since that's what our son requested.  Was goooood.

We then took the grandparents, parents, and kids except the sickling to the bowling alley for a couple of hours to bowl.  No laser tag or games this time we just wanted to bowl.  Brunswick Zone does a nice job of creating a fun and entertaining atmosphere on the weekends our children really enjoyed it.  Our youngest daughter, who is three, got her first hair cut on Friday morning so she looks so much more grown up now and pair that with new clothes and her first time bowling it was cuteness overload!  We really enjoyed watching her experience bowling for the first time.  My personal favorite was when she hit most of the pins in her first bowl and then turned around with a proud look on her face and took a bow!  Lol so adorable!  Of course after the first hour of bowling we just had to order fries to keep her happy which was fine with us because whatever their fries sauce is, was yummy!

After bowling, which miss toddlerpants was sad to leave, we went to Hibachi Grill ( grill, sushi, chinese) and I stole a ton of chopsticks lol.  Everytime we went up for a plate instead of one set we'd grab two it adds up quick and now I'm a happy gal!  I looooovvveeee chopsticks.  Background, worked with a Korean family and had my own set of silver chopsticks since they frequently invited me over.  I believe at one point my father in law told me I was showing off when I started eating dessert with them as well lol.  Love chopsticks!

We came back to our home and our sickly eldest ( we would have brought her food if she could keep any down) and had a lengthy visit ( like we always do) about everything.  Most often lately it's the government and how disappointing they are.  None of them seem to understand the word compromise or work together because they all want to be in control and heard and famously known for something instead of remembering why they're there, for us.  We the people have been forgotten and our best interests tossed aside for immature bickering and their arrogant power trips.  Pathetic.

Annnnywaaaayyyyys.....our Sunday was wonderful and spiritual and we had birthday cake and lemon meringue pie for breakfast.  Best breakfast ever!  Son got his cell phone and we bought him a tshirt that looks like the ac/dc symbol but says ad/hd lol and then underneath it reads Highway to Hey Look a Squirrel!  Rofl if you knew him you'd think it's so perfect for him!  He also got some hawk tshirts and of course money.  He was on cloud 9.  Grandad got a shooter's bible for his.  Our eldest picked our his card that said something to the affect of getting older is at least getting something lol.  Was a great weekend!

I wish I could say our Monday has been as great.  Awoken at 4am with 3yr old vomiting, @8am hubby woke up and called in sick, and @ 2pm I started having stomach cramps and crawled into bed.  But our son is fine!  Or next.......

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