Wednesday, October 30, 2013

One step closer

With every passing day, working out my issues as it were I feel a little bit better.  Hurt, frustrated, so tired, but better.  Sometimes I feel like I'm strapped to a whole herd of wild horses that just keep dragging me behind them not knowing what to do with me.  Like people around me see me and look around panicked as to how to get rid of me.  So bizarre.

Coming up on night 6 of little to no sleep which of course does not help the situation.  Baby girl is finally feeling so much better.  I spent most of the night trying to keep her hydrated and praying that she'd feel better by morning because my body can't take much more taking care of sick kids.  Hubby came home early today, sick.  I just about screamed and banged me head into a wall.  At least he's old enough to take care of himself but we all know I'm gonna do it.  I'll make sure he's drinking, and resting, and taking meds to help him feel better.  All this health stuff is wearing me out and for once it's not even mine lol.

I had a slightly unpleasant experience today.  I was reprimanded?  I had the choice to say whatever and not really care because quite frankly I don't even know this person that well.  But I didn't.  Gut feeling, inspirational prompting says not to.  So I apologized for offending them in all sincerity.  You should see and hear some of the stuff I put myself through on my own at the moment so this is nothing.  I also stood up for what I believe in because let's face it sometimes others have issues with who you are.  In this particular circumstance I have to stand my ground.

Our family has been doing some missionary work for some youth and adults that just plain need to discover how much their Savior loves them.  Can't keep that to myself that would be wrong have to share it with everyone I possibly can.  I have been supportive, answered thousands of questions and it has really strengthened my own testimony and made me realize how much I need to work on it.  This one individual in particular felt the Spirit for the first time in their lives and had the most glorious experience.  But his family is not so keen on the idea and recently got after me for speaking with him about it.  But this individual won't give up no matter what because they know what they felt and cannot deny it.  Makes it complicated for him but I'll keep him in my prayers.

Halloween is tomorrow and we finally got most of the decorations up.  I still need a bit more candy though so hopefully I'll remember in this scatterbrain to pick some up after preschool.  Our 'Donna' doesn't look so good.  Her body parts won't light up and we've had her a long time.  Maybe it's time to invest in something new, something bigger.  That's what great about the day after Halloween right?  The sales!  We as per usual have our giant spider that we'll be dangling by a fishing pole from the roof right about the garage.  Works every year even the people who live near us are still surprised by it lol.  We don't do that to the little kids only the teenagers and the parents that stand back in the driveway.  Our big boa snake, fake of course, is hiding beside the door in the bushes.  We used to attach it to fishing line and tug on it to make it move but it's much funner watching all those women scream when they notice it on their own.  So awesome!  We have a cool new addition.  A lazy skeleton that lays in his hammock and snores.  Chest moves up and down and everything.  Looking forward to see reactions from that.

Have a safe and happy Halloween and just keep swimming!

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