Friday, June 13, 2014

Woman and Man

My whole life I have seen different types of women.  Ones that loved be homemakers fullfilling their dreams as wives and mothers.  Ones that loved being at home but it wasn't enough so they became creative and discovered their own businesses from home and it keeps them very busy but they still get to stay at home with their children.  I have seen women who choose many different career paths and manage to balance these busy careers and have their families as well.  I have seen women who have no interest in marriage or family and choose to put all they have into friends, pets, and their employment.  Every woman feels her best in different ways.  It would take years to describe them all.

I believe that woman are equal to men and just as we expect men to respect us we also in turn need to respect them.  How do you think society is doing on that front?  Do you think they respect us women as a whole?  Do you think we have earned that respect or do we simply demand it because we were born female?  Like we are entitled to anything we want without hard work.

I found an interesting 'writing' from Jill Jackson out of Beverly Hills that I want to share with all of you, the title is "Open Letter to Man."

"I am a woman.

"I am your wife, your sweetheart, your mother, your sister- your friend.

"I need your help!

"I was created to give the world Gentleness, Understanding, Serenity, Beauty, and Love.

"I am finding it increasingly difficult to fulfill my purpose.

"Many people in advertising, motion pictures, television, and radio have ignored my inward qualities and have
repeatedly used me only as a symbol of sex.

"This humiliates me, it destroys my dignity, it prevents me from being what you want me to be-an example of
Beauty, Inspiration, and Love: love for my children, love for my husband, love of my God and country.

"I need your help to restore me to my true position- and to allow me to fulfill the Purpose for which I was

"Oh, man, I know that you will find the way."

Very powerful words full of truth.  I know for myself, the reason I'm afraid to trust a man or follow his lead when he takes my hand to guide us through this life together, is completely hindered because of men that abused me.  Took advantage of my sweet nature as a young girl.  Forced me into shame and anger because they saw women as something to dominate and control instead of love and nuture and protect.

To all the men out there who fight for their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends to be loved and seen as beautiful angelic creations I salute you and praise you.  To all the young men and men out there who open the door for women or carry her bags for her any time you get to chance and show your respect and admiration, to you , dears sirs, I express my love and gratitude.  You are beacons of light in a dying world.  Cherished and supported among women and other men of your great stature.  You are amazing creatures who I know will pass on these attributes to your sons and them their sons in a continuous manner and it is you who will change the world.

On this Father's Day, I want to thank my husband for the great man that he is.  He is strong, smart, caring, kind, respectful, inspirational and loving.  I adore him.  My protector, my sweetheart, father of my children, my love.  Thankyou, for being such a wonderful husband and father. I am grateful to God everyday for you.

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