Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Can I do For You?

I really and truly detest when someone I love is going through, well, anything unpleasant. That feeling of helplessness when you honestly cannot help though you wish with all your heart you could. What really bugs me though, is when I have tons to offer you that can benefit you and make life a little happier and a little easier for you or simply offer to do whatever you need from me and you say, "Oh I'll think about it" and NEVER get back to me.*dirty look here* Is it that you're afraid I'll judge you or tell everyone,'Wow you should SEE their house it's a complete disaster area so filthy' or think to myself something like, 'This person is completely crazy what am I doing here?'.

 First of all, I cannot help but laugh my head off if you really do think I would do that lol, secondly I'm not like that. The best way for us to forget our own emotional and spiritual struggles in life is to serve others. If you are physically struggling all the more reason to accept the help. Don't sit there one minute telling me how hard your life is and then refuse any help to better it in any way. Don't be a martyr. ( definition #3: victim : a constant sufferer) I absolutely love that expression pull up your big girl panties and let's go. Nothing like a little humor to help us in day to day, sometimes a little overly mundane life. Humor in the worst of circumstances isn't necessarily rude, it's human. We are fragile, we need laughter to keep going.

 I have several people in my life who I love deeply. One in particular that I am very close to has been struggling for quite some time now and especially in the last couple of months. I ache to help, to do anything, sometimes even just the offer lightens a load. A good joke can go a long way, as long as it's tactfully done. Even a smile or a quick I love you, by the way please don't be afraid to say I love you to your friends they need you to, can make a huge difference from one day to the next. I on my own only have my heart, my hands, my shoulder, a kleenex box somewhere in my room, a phone ( call me ), my instincts and experience, and my knees as my best tools. When I have exhausted the hands and shoulder and experience, my phone is broken and the tissue box is empty my knees never fail me. Never.

 Trust me, I pray for you all the time. All of you. Everyone. I don't have to meet you, know you that well, or even like you that much or agree with you. But I will always pray for you. Most powerful tool I know because you see, God knows you well, He's met you and He loves you completely and when you refuse my help, or your neighbor's, or your family's, He can and will find a way to take care of it.

 That said there is always a flip side of the coin isn't there? YOU have to do everything in your power to change or repair what isn't working for you. You have to show an effort that you value your life and your blessings. You have to respect what you have vs the have nots and truly appreciate who you are. All your quarks are there to lighten the mood, put a smile on someone's face, and test you. Fixing and strengthening weaknesses is awesome and takes time so give yourself some. In the meantime can you please accept help? Accept those all around you who offer to do whatever they can for you. Stop telling yourself you have to do everything or can do everything on your own. That's not our creation. We were always meant to lean on each other for help to lift each other up and carry on together.

 To those who know how much I love them and all of you who don't, what can I do to help you?

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