Monday, March 11, 2013


How on earth do we allow ourselves to get so busy?  I get having kids and everyone has their schedule and that's cool I don't mind.  Last night my husband and I thought man we are so stressed out!  We need to find 30 mins a night to just talk to each other uninterrupted.  You know what?  We could not find a time to do it on any day of the week!  We spent 30 minutes trying to find a time of day we could talk for 30 minutes. So unbelievably sad.  So I spoke up after we kept going around in circles about the whole thing and said you know what we need to MAKE the time.  Other peoples schedules and lives will just have to wait.

We are totally committed to doing this!  It really bothered us that we struggled to even find 30 minutes a day for each other we have so much going on.  But we finally have set aside a time each day to at least sit down and talk to each other, not silly small talk, really speak with each other about stuff going on with us.  It's nice to have time to find out what's really going on with each other, even if there is no advice to give or any way to really fix the problem, it's nice to get that love and support from one another.  It actually makes me feel like I can breathe a little easier just knowing I get that time with him and it's ours and ours alone.  Great way to help relieve stress and problem solve, together.

When we got married we decided that we wanted to take at least one-two vacations a year, time and money willing, alone together and it's been about 4 years since we've had that time and money to do it.  No excuse really.  We should have done the same in the past few years with vacation time as we did with our 30 mins a day.  MADE time for each other no matter what.  Sometimes we get distracted from the things that are really
important to us and keep pushing those more important things to the wayside constantly repeating to ourselves we'll get there another time.  I'll fix my daughter's bike later, I'll paint that room another time, I'll get my food storage organized another weekend, I'll go with my spouse away for a weekend when I'm not so busy.  The list can go on for years, as we've discovered, and definitely not to our benefit.

Now we have 'a plan' and we recognize that plans change but we are very stubborn about our time together being that it feels like we haven't really seen each other in years lol.  We will find time to speak to each other every day uninterrupted, we'll hide if we have to!(don't look for us kids you can handle 30 mins)  We'll find time to date a couple of times a month to do those things that we enjoy.  ( other couples welcome leave your kids at home) And we will always make time, from now on anyways lol, to have a couple of weekends at the very least alone together. ( Grandparents are awesome aren't they?)  We are both anxious and excited to make this time for each other.

When you find the one you love and value and can't live without, please, MAKE the time for each other.  The world will just have to learn to hear the word NO and be forgotten now and then.  Families are above all other priorities and if I don't have that connection with them, if I don't try to keep building those relationships then this world isn't worth it in the end.

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