Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Before and After shots of Christmas

Lots of food prepared for the event of Christmastime.  On Sunday evening we had company over and made them Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Cabbages, and Salad.  So delicious and complimentary with each other was an amazing pre Christmas dinner.  We asked about their traditions and shared with them since no family would be joining us this Christmas we were going to enjoy it entirely in pajamas.  We had wrapped 3 pre Christmas Eve dinner presents for our children.  The first was the Grinch ( Jim Carrey version), then a big bag of smarties from Grandma in Canada ( yummmmm), and finally our youngest with a festive long sleeved shirt hoping as parents that our little girl would wear it since it's cold and she hates clothes.  It worked but only eventually she had to be talked into it.
It was very pleasant our Christmas Eve.  Burbon and garlic rubbed beef ribs that had been slow roasting all day, a cheese dip that we make every year and usually disappears quickly, left over swedish meatballs ( my fav btw) and other odds and ends including all the cookies we had made over the course of the month and frozen were finally thawed out and enjoyed.  And yes, all of us in our pajamas comfy and warm.  Was nice to relax.  We then proceeded to a poem, and because of my Norwegian heritage, opened presents under the tree.  It was delightful to watch our youngest open her presents.  She was very excited and started a new tradition of her own.  Open and play with every single present she opens so that this will take a while lol.  We recorded every inch of it.  The highlight was watching Dad open his new xbox 360 and then watching our 13 year old son freak out because it was Dad's.  Sooooo incredibly funny.  Never heard so much squeaking in a young man's voice before and ( hehehehe) we got it all on video.  Dad had the biggest haha it's mine grin on his face which he rarely gets to do in this family.

On Christmas morning we made the kids wait to see what Santa brought them until Mom and Dad were coherent.  Not that long but apparently long enough.  Our youngest, who will be 3 in March, saw one of her favorite people sitting in the middle of our couch.  None other than Caillou who is as big as she is.  Her initial response was to say she was so glad to see him and that he came to her house and she was so happy.  Then she sat him to the side of her stocking and said, "Ok now you watch me Caillou okay?  I need to open presents."  She took him everywhere, showed him everything one piece at a time and it was so nice to see her light up that way.  Our oldest children still light up but it just isn't the same.  We have a tradition that the youngest goes first so that we can all see what Santa brought everyone we really enjoy it.  This year Santa was very smart and realized that we didn't need more 'stuff' to play with twice and let collect dust in the corner.  Santa noticed that our family has discovered less is more and therefore more meaningful that way.  Our children always go through their clothes and toys and donate what they don't use anymore around Christmas.  Another tradition we never want to lose.

It has been a very busy and very stressful year for all of us in so many different ways and quite honestly we are glad to see it go.  We as a family are determined to keep it lighter and when we feel too much pressure not be afraid to disappoint others by saying stop we need a break for a minute.  We look forward to keeping the spirit of family and cheerfulness with us throughout the year and hopefully our cheery, lighter selves will rub off a on a few people that worry a little too much.  They always say it's never as bad as you think it just seems that way because you can't escape it.  Stick with the ones you love and trust to help you and guide you, lean on them and let them lean on you.  You're going to have a great year!

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